Customer Testimonials

Beau Testimonial

Beau Testimonial

Works great!!!!! Thanks for everything! I will definitely recommend PopStops to my family and friends. You guys have been wonderful.

Realtor Testimonial

Realtor Testimonial

I am always looking for innovative ways to be in front of my client even after the sale. For that reason, PopStops are now my new house warming gift! The fact my clients see my brand everyday and I can personalize their PopStops unit with their name or something they love really hits home. I personally think that PopStops are the new welcome mat for real estate. Anthony Pallazola - Realtor

Big Ed Testimonial

Big Ed Testimonial

"The PopStop I have matches my Bentley Convertible perfectly and now I feel personally welcomed home every day! What a terrific gift idea! Love my PopStop!" Big Ed

Eddie and Carla Testimonial

Eddie and Carla Testimonial

"The two PopStops my wife and I have now make it so comforting to be able to park in our garage, it has totally removed the stress of parking our cars when we get home. There’s no more guessing of whether we’re too close to the wall or whether the garage door is going to hit the back of the car, it has totally changed the way we park our cars. When you feel the tire touch the front of the unit, you know you’ve arrived and are in the right place every time! It’s great!" Eddie and Carla

Bruce Testimonial

Bruce Testimonial

"It's so nice to have a personalized PopStops for my motorcycle! It puts me in great mood when I come home after a great ride. Can't beat a message that's just for you!" Bruce – The Villages, FL